Бугаенко Егор

Bugayenko Yegor
Huawei, Moscow
Lab Director
Тема доклада:
SIMBA: Simplified Management By Artifacts

Тезисы доклада:
Here is a very simple management framework, which we have used in our teams for the last two years. We came to it experimentally, trying to merge some Agile principles, PMBOK ideas, and common sense. Our experience so far is positive, even though the proposed rules of work are not really about project management, but more about keeping an eye on the situation and making sure it’s not falling apart. This is the best most modern teams can afford anyway.

О себе:
Yegor Bugayenko is a Lab Director in Huawei RRI, a founder of Zerocracy, which replaces annoying bosses with AI bots; an OOP fundamentalist; an author of “Elegant Objects” book series; a provocative blogger at yegor256.com; a creator of Zold, a non-Blockchain cryptocurrency for fast micro-payments; a hands-on Java and Ruby programmer; a creator of Cactoos, Takes, JCabi, and Rultor; a philanthropist donating four thousand dollars annually to an open source award.
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